Home8 / WWAlarm / Alarm360 is shut down
Home8 / WWAlarm / Alarm360 is being shut down and is no longer available for general users. The services for the application are now offered in a subscription model.
If you would like to continue using Home8, please contact:
Please let them know whether you are opting for the Basic or Premium package.
Basic package: $5.99 per month
Premium package: $9.99 per month
Here you will find a comparison of the most important differences between the Home8 service plans:
Basic users have access to Live View recording, where the user monitors and records videos on their smartphone in real time. Premium users also receive the event-triggered recording and 24/7 recording functions. With event-triggered recording, the cameras start a 30-second recording in response to an event, e.g. a triggered door/window sensor or motion sensor. With 24/7 recording, the camera records continuously, regardless of whether there is an event or not. All cameras can record around the clock, with the exception of the Wi-Fi camera, as this does not have a microSD card slot. Event-triggered or 24/7 recording is more efficient in an emergency as the camera automatically records or is already recording. Otherwise, the user would have to manually open the Home8 app and record the video live when using the basic service.
Only local storage for video is available in the Basic Service Plan. All Home8 cameras, with the exception of the Wi-Fi camera, have a microSD card slot for storing video. MicroSD cards must be purchased separately and must be in 32GB SDHC format. Also, all security gateways have either internal or external storage, depending on which model you own. Once you have upgraded to the premium service, you can back up your videos to the cloud via your personal Dropbox account. Cloud storage can be helpful if you run out of space on your microSD cards or if you want an alternative storage location.
Motion detection
There are a few options to customize motion detection for customers with the Basic Service Plan. All cameras have an adjustable "motion sensitivity" that determines how much motion is required to trigger a motion-based event. Another option, which is exclusively available for the Mini Outdoor Full HD camera, is the adjustable "Object size in percent" setting. This function is used to define how large an object must be for a motion-based event to be triggered. If you become a Premium user, you can use the "Person detection" function for all cameras. With this option, the camera can only trigger a motion-based event if it detects a person. Person detection" helps to reduce false alarms caused by pets or other irrelevant movements.
Authorized users
With the Basic Service Plan, the system owner can only appoint one authorized user. The authorized user can activate/deactivate the system, stream video, access live recordings, view the VideoGram and control automation devices. The VideoGram is a historical list of 30-second video clips of triggered events and is only accessible to authorized users as part of the Premium Service. With the Premium service plan, you get an additional authorized user, giving you a total of two authorized users. This can improve the security of your home by having another family member or trusted person monitoring your home.
Levels of monitoring control
With the Basic Service Plan, you have access to two levels of monitoring consisting of the system owner and authorized users. A Premium account includes two additional levels of monitoring, Emergency Contacts and Local Authorities. Emergency contacts are phone numbers of trusted contacts that you can save in the Home8 app. During an emergency, if both the system owner and authorized users do not respond to their push notifications within five minutes, the emergency contacts will receive a push notification or a phone call. You can also save the phone numbers of your local authorities and call them directly from the Home8 app. In an emergency where every second counts, having a backup emergency contact and being able to call the police quickly can be very helpful.